Monday, May 13, 2024

Golf Scorecard History 101, Connecticut, Set #3 Chippanee GC to East Mountain GC

Golf Scorecard History 101 Connecticut
Set # 3  
Chippanee GC to East Mountain GC
Approximately 65 years ago  I met a guy who I worked with. He eveentualy got me to play golf.  The first course he brought me to was The East Hartford GC, a muny.  Several of their holes were loaded with trees.  I found virtually all of them.  Also, over the next few weeks I went their frequently and guess what!!!!  I lost a lot of golf balls. Now 65 years later I've played hundreds of courses and I;m still losing golf balls although not as many as I used to.  Of the courses illustrated below I liked the Yale GC course the best.  It's a shame I didn't go to college there.  Yake Uiversity is probably happy I didn't.

✍✍✍✍  Golf Scorecards Recently Received  ✍✍✍✍
The Royal Belfast GC, Northern Ireland

 The Royal Belfast GC, Northern Ireland

The Blind brook Club, New York

Twin Hills CC, Connecticut

 Crestview CC, Massachusetts

Oak Ridge GC, Massachusetts

 Oak Ridge GC, Massachusetts

 Stanley GC, Connecticut

My Golf Scorecard Collection as of May 12, 2024
Total USA = 103,189
Total Connecticut = 2,346
Total Foreign = 50,318
Total Golf Scorecard Collection = 153,507
My next issue will likely be from Manitoba, Canada

P.S. If any new golf scorecard collector is interested in building their scorecard collection feel free to contact me.  I have over 45,000 duplicate scorecards available to trade. You can reach me at or 860-966-9079

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