Friday, July 28, 2023

Golf Scorecard History 101, Alberta, Canada Set #9 Highwood G&CC to Jasper Park Lodge GC

Golf Scorecard History 101, Alberta, Canada 
Set #9
Innsfail GC to Jasper Park Lodge GC
For the group of scorecards  shown below two are highly ranked.  According to this site  Both the and the last ones that are the most highly rated.  Innsfail is randed #42 and Jasper Park Lodge GC id raned number 2









More Issues for Alberta, Canada and Internet Links:
To view more of my Alberta issues scroll to the upper left corner of this page and enter the word Alberta in the search field.  This will bring up virtually all of the blog issues for Alberta, Canada that I’ve done to date.

Click on this Internet link to view over 29,166 more miscellaneous golf scorecards:

Also feel free to visit my other websites at:

1592 Blog Postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now exceeds 33,597
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 23,379
The total number of golf business cards on this site now exceeds 1,000
Coming Soon
Idaho Golf Scorecards
British Columbia, Canada Golf Scorecards
Brownson CC, Connecticut
Illinois Golf Scorecards

My golf approximate scorecard collection as of today:
Total USA = 102,715
Total Alberta, Canada = 779
Total Foreign = 49,918

Scorecard Trading:
If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at
A Few Recent Scorecards Added To My Collection
 Menaggio e Dadenablia GC, Italy
Bull Bay GC, Wales

 Have any comments? Send me an e-mail at