H. Smith Richardson Golf Course
Fairfield, Connecticut
H. Smith Richardson GC is a public municipal course located in Fairfield, CT. It will present you wigh a continual array uphill and downhill shots to large undulating greens. On the day I played the course there were many deer feeding along the edges of the fairways.
To view all i8 holes of the H. Smith Richardson Golf Course click on the next line.
The direct Internet address is http://youtu.be/GKcqL3NiZIA
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290 Blog postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 4,420
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 1,533
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 3,839
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Nebraska Scorecards
Tower Ridge Country Club
Australia - New South Wales Scorecards
Dinosaur Park
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