Friday, September 30, 2016

Golf Scorecard History 101, Finland - Set #4

Golf Scorecard History 101, Finland
Set #4
Lahden Golf Ry to Nurmijjarven Golfkeskus

To the best of my knowledge there are over 125 golf courses in Finland.  Scorecards from eighteen of them are shown below.

More Blog Issues for Finland and Internet Links:
To view more of my Finland blog issues scroll to the upper left corner of this page and enter the word Finland in the search field.  This will bring up virtually all of the blog issues for the country of Finland that I've done to date.

Click on this Internet link to view over 9,700 more miscellaneous golf scorecards
Also feel free to visit my other websites at

Blog Statistics:
885 Blog Postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 15,956
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 3,906
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 13,077

Coming Soon:

Tennessee Scorecards
Dennis Highlands GC
Additions to Previously Blogged Scorecard Sequences
France Scorecards

My golf scorecard collection statistics as of today:
Total Finland = 179
Total USA = 93,082
Total Foreign = 44,027
Total Collection = 137,109

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

Scorecard Trading
:  If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

Available: For sale and/or trade - Over 69,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested.

Dennis Highlands GC, Massachusetts

Dennis Highlands Golf Course
Dennis, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
 The 74th in my golf course tour series

I had the pleasure of playing this course about five years ago.  It was is great shape, had some scenic holes and very spacious fairways.  I would the course to anyone as well as it's sister course Dennic Pines.

Before the tour here are the four scorecards in my collection from Dennis Highlands GC:

Now the tour:

Hole #1:


Hole #3:

Hole #4:

Hole #5:

Hole #6:

Hole #7:

Hole #8:

Hole #9:

Hole #10:

Hole #11:

Hole #12:

Hole #13:

Hole #14:

Hole #15:

Hole #16:

Hole #17:

Hole #18:

More Blog Issues for Massachusetts and Internet Links:
To view more of my Massachusetts blog issues scroll to the upper left corner of this page and enter the word Massachusetts in the search field.  This will bring up virtually all of the blog issues for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that I've done to date.

Click on this Internet link to view over 9,800 more miscellaneous golf scorecards
Also feel free to visit my other websites at

Blog Statistics:
887 Blog Postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 15,995
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 3,906
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 13,152

Coming Soon:
Additions to Previously Blogged Scorecard Sequences
France Scorecards
Texas Scorecards
A Day in Provincetown

My golf scorecard collection statistics as of today:
Total Massachusetts = 2.264
Total USA = 93,156
Total Foreign = 44,053
Total Collection = 137,1209

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

Scorecard Trading:
  If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

Available: For sale and/or trade - Over 69,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested.