Sunday, June 16, 2024

Golf Scorecard History 101, Hawaii Set #10 Mid Pacific CC to New Ewa Beach GC

Golf Scorecard History 101, Hawaii
Set #10
Mid Pacific CC to New Ewa Beach GC
 My wife and I had the privilege of visiting Hawaii.but did not play golf.  I landed in Honolulu and spent two days there.  Then my wife & I jumped on a cruise ship and we visited their islands.. Got to seel virtually the entire countr that way.  If I ever go back I'll definitley make sure i play a few rounds of folf while tthere   
✉✉✉✉✉✉  A Group Of Hawaii Golf Scorecards ✉✉✉✉✉✉



◆◇◆◇◆ Golf Scorecards Recently Received  ◆◇◆◇◆
 Dungarvan GC, Ireland
 Dungarvan GC, Ireland
  Dungarvan GC, Ireland
 Dungarvan GC, Ireland
 Canon River GC, Montana
 Stonelick Hills GC, Ohio
 Great Hills CC, Texas
 Meadow Park GC, (FootGolf Course), Washington
My Golf Scorecard Collection as of June 15, 2024
 Total USA = 103,307
 Total Hawaii = 967
 Total Foreign = 50,369
 Total Golf Scorecard Collection = 153,656
 My next issue will likely be from Saskatchewan.