Thursday, January 28, 2021

 Golf Scorecard History 101, Louisiana
Set #7
Bayou Barriere GC to Black Bear GC

I've only been to Louisiana once and that was several years ago where I spent a week in New Orleans in February to enjoy their world famous Mardi Gras.  Spent the whole week in the French Quarter.  If I ever go back it will include golf at the TPC Louisiana (because I get to play there at no charge).  For other courses see the following website:

Now on to this issues golf scorecards:

More Blog Issues for Louisiana and Internet Links:

To view more of my Louisiana blog issues scroll to the upper left corner of this page and enter the word Louisiana in the search field.  This will bring up virtually all of the blog issues for the country of Louisiana that I've done to date.  
Click on this Internet link to view over 18,700 more miscellaneous golf scorecards:

Also feel free to visit my other websites at 

Just A Little Extra:
A few postage stamps that carries some golf scorecards to my collection:
From The USA, Italy and the Czech Republic


Blog Statistics:
 1367 Blog Postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 23,919
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 9,150
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 21,832
The total number of golf business cards on this site now exceeds 700

Coming Soon:

Ivanhoe Club
Northern Ireland Golf Scorecards
Maine Golf scorecards
Phoenix Botanical Garden

My golf scorecard collection statistics as of today:
Total USA = 101,297
Louisiana = 739
Total Foreign = 47,557
Total Collection = 148,854

Scorecard Trading: 
If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

Available for Sale: Over 70,000 golf scorecards or sale.  I am now selling them in packets of fifty different scorecards per packet.  The price of each packet is $25.00 U.S. They will be mailed via priority mail.  Payment by a U.S. postal money order is preferred.  Remit to Russ Glasson, 170 Carriage Hill Dr., Wethersfield, CT 06109.

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Golf Scorecard History 101 - New Zealand Set #8

Golf Scorecard History 101 - New Zealand
Set #8
Grange GC to Hanmer Springs GC

If it were not for a collector by the name of Ernie Wren my collection of New Zealand golf scorecards would be anemic.  I traded with him for approximately eight years and I'm guessing my New Zealand scorecard count is essentially half of what he sent me.  Unfortunately I stopped hearing from him in the year 2007 and assume that he likely passed away.  Now, any time that I now receive a new New Zealand scorecard for my collection my first thought is ERNIE WREN.



More Blog Issues for New Zealand and Internet Links:

To view more of my New Zealand blog issues scroll to the upper left corner of this page and enter the words New Zealand in the search field.  This will bring up virtually all of the blog issues for the country of New Zealand tthat I've done to date.   
Click on this Internet link to view over 18,700 more miscellaneous golf scorecards:

Also feel free to visit my other websites at:   

Blog Statistics:
1366 Blog Postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 23,886
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 9,150
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 21,832
The total number of golf business cards on this site now exceeds 700

Coming Soon:
Louisiana Golf Scorecards
Ivanhoe Club
Northern Ireland Golf Scorecards
Maine Golf scorecards

My golf scorecard collection statistics as of today:
Total USA = 101,289
Total New Zealand = 1,239
Total Foreign = 47,556
Total Collection = 148,845

Scorecard Trading:  If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

Available for Sale: Over 70,000 golf scorecards or sale.  I am now selling them in packets of fifty different scorecards per packet.  The price of each packet is $25.00 U.S. They will be mailed via priority mail.  Payment by aU.S. postal money order is preferred.  Remit to Russ Glasson, 170 Carriage Hill Dr., Wethersfield, CT 0610

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.