Saturday, September 28, 2019

Golf Scorecard History 101, Ohio - Set #9

Golf Scorecard History 101, Ohio
Set #9
Bedford Trails GC to Bent Tree GC

A rather good website for Ohio's golf courses is at:
There are over 20 pages listing their courses with each page containing approximately 30 per page.  You do the math.

In my golfing career I've only played one Ohio course, that being the Nicklaus course at the GC at Kings Island in Mason Ohio.

More Blog Issues for Ohio and Internet Links:
To view more of my Ohio blog issues scroll to the upper left corner of this page and enter the word Ohio in the search field.  This will bring up virtually all of the blog issues for the state of the Ohio that I've done to date.  Click on this Internet link to view over 15,7 more miscellaneous golf scorecards

Also feel free to visit my other websites at    

My Internet Pick of the Day:

Blog Statistics:
1237 Blog Postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 20,745
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 7,889
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 20,042
The total number of golf business cards on this site now equals 342

Coming Soon:

Boat Races
Northern Ireland Scorecards
No Location Scorecards
Sky 72 GC, South Korea

My golf scorecard collection statistics as of today:

Total Ohio = 4,223
Total USA = 98,902
Total Foreign = 45,549
Total Collection = 144,451

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

Scorecard Trading:
  If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

For sale and/or trade - Over 68,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Golf Scorecard History 101, New Zealand - Set #7

Golf Scorecard History, New Zealand
Set #7
Frankton GC to Grande Vue GC 
According to the following website there are 423 golf courses in New Zealand:

For research and contact purposes, however, I prefer the following New Zealand golf website:

More Blog Issues for New Zealand and Internet Links:
To view more of my New Zealand blog issues scroll to the upper left corner of this page and enter the words New Zealand in the search field.  This will bring up virtually all of the blog issues for the state of the New Zealand that I've done to date.  Click on this Internet link to view over 15,600 more miscellaneous golf scorecards

Also feel free to visit my other websites at    
My Internet Pick of the Day:

Blog Statistics:
1236 Blog Postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 20,705
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 7,889
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 20,042
The total number of golf business cards on this site now equals 342

Coming Soon:
Ohio Scorecards
Boat Races
Northern Ireland Scorecards
No Location Scorecards

My golf scorecard collection statistics as of today:
Total New Zealand = 1,204
Total USA = 98,850
Total Foreign = 45,538
Total Collection = 144,388

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

Scorecard Trading: 
If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

Available: For sale and/or trade - Over 68,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested.