The Pride of America Cruise Ship
What's it like to be on a cruise ship? We've taken several cruises which have taken us to the Hawaiian Islands, the Greek and Turkish Islands, virtually every country in the Caribbean, and thru the Panama Canal to several countries in Central America and to Mexico. The Pride of America Cruise Ship is one of the ships we have sailed on and is owned by the Norwegian Cruise Lines. It was, in our opinion just an OK ship.
Following are photos we took while on board the ship.
Following are photos we took while on board the ship.

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Blog Statistics:
1204 Blog Postings
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The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 7,328
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 19,319
The total number of golf business cards on this site now equals 306
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Finland Scorecards
Nebraska Scorecards
Golf Business Cards
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Total USA = 97,944
Total Foreign = 46,311
Total Collection = 144,255
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