Monday, April 30, 2018

Golf Scorecard History 101, Spain - Set #5

Golf Scorecard History 101, Spain
Set #5
Mudela CdG to Portal del Roc

Image From a Golf Course in Spain

A few interesting facts about Spain:
  1. Many different groups of people have settled in Spain throughout history, including Iberians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Visigoths, Celts, Basques, and the Moors (Muslims who came from North Africa).
  2. The quill pen is thought to have originated in Spain about 1,400 years ago.
  3. The most enduring contribution of Spain to the world is its language, which was imported to the Americas with the expansion of the Spanish Empire in the 16th century. Now, more than 400 million people speak Spanish in 22 countries, including 35 million who speak it in the United States.
  4. Since the Pyrenees Mountains were such a significant barrier in the north, and Spain is just 9 miles from Morocco in the south, Spain shares much of its early history with Africa.
  5. The Iberian Peninsula was one of several refuges during the last ice age, so it was largely from Spain that northern Europe was repopulated after the ice age ended.
  6. Famous Spaniards include Seneca, Hadrian, Antonio Banderas, Penelope Cruz, Salvador Dalí, El Greco, Pablo Picasso, Francisco de Goya, Jose Carreras, and Plácido Domingo.
  7. The ancient Roman Aqueduct of Segovia in Spain was built in the 1st century A.D. and still supplies water to the city.
  8. In 1603, Spanish sailor Gabriel de Castilla (1577-1620) became the first man ever to see Antarctica.
  9. Spanish explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo (1499-1543) discovered California.
  10. There are over 600 golf courses in Spain

More Blog Issues for Spain and Internet Links:
To view more of my Spain blog issues scroll to the upper left corner of this page and enter the word Spain in the search field.  This will bring up virtually all of the blog issues for the country of Spain that I've done to date.  Click on this Internet link to view over 13,500 more miscellaneous golf scorecards

Also feel free to visit my other websites at    
My Internet Pick of the Day:

Blog Statistics:
1109 Blog Postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 18,243
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 5,834
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 16,275

Coming Soon:

Arizona Scorecards
Sweden Scorecards
Arkansas Scorecards
Bethpage GC (Black), New York

My golf scorecard collection statistics as of today:
Total Spain = 1,097
Total USA = 95,813
Total Foreign = 45,669
Total Collection = 141,482

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

Scorecard Trading: 
If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

For sale and/or trade - Over 68,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Cherry Hills CC, Colorado

Cherry Hills Country  Club
The 118th in my golf course tour series

Cherry Hills Country Club in Colorado has been the sight on many major championships including multiple U.S. Amateur Championships, the U.S. Open, the U.S. Women's Open, The PGA Championship and the BMW Championship among others.

*_______Scorecards From Cherry Hills CC_______*

*_______Images From Cherry Hills CC_______*

More Blog Issues for Golf Course Tours and Internet Links:
To view more of my Golf Course Tour blog issues scroll to the upper left corner of this page and enter the words Golf Course in the search field.  This will bring up virtually all of the blog issues for golf course tours that I've done to date.

Click on this Internet link to view over 13,500 more miscellaneous golf scorecards

Also feel free to visit my other websites at
 My Internet Pick of the Day:

Blog Statistics:
1108 Blog Postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 18,221
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 5,833
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 16,274

Coming Soon:
Spain Scorecards
Arizona Scorecards
Sweden Scorecards
Arkansas Scorecards

My golf scorecard collection statistics as of today:

Total Colorado - 1867
Total USA = 95,788
Total Foreign = 45,665
Total Collection = 141,420

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

Scorecard Trading: 
If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

: For sale and/or trade - Over 68,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested.