Friday, November 29, 2013

South Carolina Scorecards (Beachwood GC to Belle Terre GC)

South Carolina Scorecards
(Beachwood GC to Belle Terre GC)

This issue provides a look at three dozen golf scorecards from South Carolina. Among those included in this issue's selection is one from Belle Terre GC .  To the best of my knowledge Belle Terre no longer exists.  Following the half dozen shown below is an Internet link to view all thirty-six South Carolina of this issues featured scorecards plus an additional Internet link to also view the first set of South Carolina scorecards I blogged.

To view all of this issues 36 South Carolina scorecardfs click on this link >>> South Carolina Scorecards - Set #2
The direct Internet address is

For those who may wish to see the first set of South Carolina golf scorecards I blogged click on this link >>> South Carolina Scorecards - Set #1
The direct Internet address is

Blog Statistics:
497 Blog postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 8,753
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 2.276
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 8,256

Coming Soon
Mexico Scorecards
South Dakota Scorecards
Ireland - Cliffs of Mohor & Dromoland Castle
Mauritius Scorecards 

My golf scorecard collection statistics as of November 26, 2013:
South Carolina = 2,916
Total USA = 85,882
Total Foreign = 41,460
Total collection = 127,342

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

Available: For sale and/or trade - Over 68,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested.

Editors Note:  For the past few issues I've lister Stratton Mountain Village as an upcoming blog issue.  Due to the poor quality and quantity of my photo images I've decided to scrap that project.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Malaysia Scorecards Part #2

Malaysia Scorecards
Part #2
(Kelab Golf Pekhidmatan Awam to Kundang Lakes CC)

My original intent with this issue was to present a set of Malaysian golf scorecards which included an Internet link to view a total of sixty scorecards from Malaysia.  Unfortunately my movie software program did not like something in what I was trying to do.  Apparently whatever I did caused something to become corrupted.  So, instead you'll get two consecutive blog issues showing scorecards from Malaysia.  The second set thirty is shown below.

Blog Statistics:
496 Blog postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 8,717
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 2.276
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 8,256

Coming Soon
South Carolina Scorecards
Stratton Mountain Village
Mexico Scorecards
South Dakota Scorecards

My golf scorecard collection statistics as of November 23, 2013:
Malaysia = 190
Total USA = 85,873
Total Foreign = 41,454
Total collection = 127,327

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

Available: For sale and/or trade - Over 68,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested.

Editors Note:  Scroll down to see the previous issue showing the thirty Malaysian golf scorecards in Part #1.

And of course - I knew this was going to happen.  After completing these issues in draft form I went back and re-did the movie and now it worked.  So here is the Internet link to view all 60 Malaysian golf scorecards from the this and the previous blog issue >>>>  60 Malaysia Scorecards
The direct Internet address is

Monday, November 25, 2013

Malaysia Scorecards - Part #1

Malaysia Scorecards
Part #1
Kabota CC to Kelab Golf Penjara Kuching

My original intent with this issue was to present a set of Malaysian golf scorecards which included an Internet link to view a total of sixty scorecards from Malaysia.  Unfortunately my movie software program did not like something in what I was trying to do.  Apparently whatever I did caused something to become corrupted.  So, instead you'll get two consecutive blog issues showing scorecards from Malaysia.  The first set thirty is shown below.

Blog Statistics:
495 Blog postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 8,687
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 2.276
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 8,256

Coming Soon
South Carolina Scorecards
Stratton Mountain Village
Mexico Scorecards
South Dakota Scorecards

My golf scorecard collection statistics as of November 23, 2013:
Malaysia = 190
Total USA = 85,873
Total Foreign = 41,454
Total collection = 127,327

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

P.S. If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

Available: For sale and/or trade - Over 68,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested.