Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ireland Scorecards (Baltinglass GC to Berehaven Park & GL)

Ireland Scorecards 
(Baltinglass GC to Berehaven Park & GL) 

 As I write this issue my golf scorecard collection has risen to 125,308 different scorecards.  Of these 1,283 are from Ireland.  A representative sample appears below followed by an Internet link to view a total of twenty-seven Ireland golf scorecards.


Here is the Internet link to view all twenty-seven Ireland scorecards >>>>>>>> View Ireland Scorecards
The direct Internet address is

Blog Statistics:
467 Blog postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 8,126
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 2.183
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 7,830

Coming Soon:
New York Scorecards
University of Hartford Basketball
“I” Country Scorecards
North Carolina Scorecards

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

Available: For sale and/or trade - Over 69,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Northern Ireland - Newry to Newcastle

Northern Ireland
Newry to Newcastle

While on a trip to Ireland and Northern Ireland primarily for golf we did catch a few sights and scenes in Northern Ireland while traveling between Newry and Newcastle.  A few of these images are shown below, followed by an Internet link to view a more comprehensive selection.

Click this Internet link to view more Northern Ireland images:
NIR - Newry to Newcastle 
The direct Internet address is
Blog Statistics:
466 Blog postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 8,099
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 2.183
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 7,830

Coming Soon:
Ireland Scorecards
New York Scorecards
of Hartford Basketball
“I” Country Scorecards

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

For sale and/or trade - Over 69,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

New Mexico Scorecards (Marty Sanchez to New Mexico Tech GC)

New Mexico Scorecards
(Marty Sanchez to New Mexico Tech GC)

With this issue my golf scorecard collection has grown to 125,501.  Of these 501 are from the state of New Mexico.  As usual a few are shown below followed by an Internet link to view twenty-eight featured New Mexico scorecards.

To view all of my featured New Mexico golf scorecards click on the following Internet links.
New Mexico Scorecards - Set #2
The direct Internet address is
New Mexico Scorecards - Set #1
The direct Internet address is

Blog Statistics:
465 Blog postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 8,099
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 2.183
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 7,786

Coming Soon:
Northern Ireland - Newry & Newcastle Scenes
Ireland Scorecards
New York Scorecards
U. of Hartford Basketball

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

Available: For sale and/or trade - Over 69,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Indonesia Scorecards
 Wtih this draft my total golf scorecard collection stands at 125,001.  Of these fifty-two are from Indonesia.  This issue covers fifty-one as two of them have identical fronts - with the only difference being on the back of the scorecards. A few are shown below followed by the Internet link to view off fifty-one featured Indonesian golf scorecards.

Click here to view all of this issue's featured scorecards >>>>  Indonesian Scorecards
The direct Internet address is

Blog Statistics:
464 Blog postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 8,071
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 2.183
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 7,786

Coming Soon:
New Mexico Scorecards
Northern Ireland - Newry & Newcastle Scenes
Ireland Scorecards
New York Scorecards

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

P.S. If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

Available: For sale and/or trade - Over 69,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Norwalk & South Norwalk, Connecticxut

A few years ago I went on a photo shoot with a group of photographers to Norwalk, Connecticut.  We spent half a day at the Norwalk Maritime Museum (which will be the subject of a a later blog) and the other half walking the street and visiting some other museums.  This issue covers the latter.


For a more comprehensive look at Norwalk click on this Internet link >>>> Norwalk Tour
The direct Internet address is

Blog Statistics:
463 Blog postings
The total number of golf scorecard images on this site now equals 8,020
The total number of golf photographs on this site now equals 2.183
The total number of all photographs on this site now equals 7,786

Coming Soon:
Indonesia Scorecards
New Mexico Scorecards
Northern Ireland - Newry & Newwcastle Scenes
Ireland Scorecards

Come back soon and often.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

If you are a casual visitor and a golf scorecard collector and would like to do some scorecard trading contact me at

Available: For sale and/or trade - Over 69,000 duplicate golf scorecards.  Contact me if you are interested.