-->Longmeadow Country Club is a very private golf facility located in
-->While playing this course I took several photographs of each hole. In total there are too many to display in one issue at this blog so I'm breaking them down into three hole increments.
-->These nine photo's in this issue are from holes thirteen through fifteen. Listed in sequence they are:
Longmeadow CC, Hole #13, Par 3, 228 yards
Longmeadow CC, Hole #13, Par 3, 228 yards
Longmeadow CC, Hole #13, Par 3, 228 yards
Longmeadow CC, Hole #13, Par 3, 228 yards

Longmeadow CC, tree next to 13 green
Longmeadow CC, Hole #14, Par 4, 362 yards
Longmeadow CC, Hole #14, Par 4, 362 yards
Longmeadow CC, Hole #15, Par 4, 401 yards
Longmeadow CC, Hole #15, Par 4, 401 yards
-->Hole's ten through twelve will follow in my next blog which I hope to have ready in a day or two.
For more information on Longmeadow Country Club visit their website at www.longmeadowcc.net